Abort the Abortion

11 months ago

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Abort Abortion in Denmark
Joy Jacqueline

Prophetic Word:

I see Denmark and the blood of Jesus was shed for a people who stand and are one with the truth.
I see children praying for their parents "stop the madness", a pure family stands before the king of kings and He has heard their cry. The blood of Jesus is shed over the whole earth in Denmark. The earth will tremble and crack, and what is in the abyss will become an open spectacle throughout the world.
Secret things come up and this time no evil can hide because the people crave for righteousness which is pure and holy.
Jesus says that his blood will be shed on the earth, and it will be like the day he died on the cross. The earth shook, and trembled, that the common Danes were shaken out of their shell, and many will say "we have never seen that happen in our country" Yes, old and young will say "I have never experienced that in my life."
God says I shake everything that can be shaken in Denmark. I visit the "scientist" and show him what true knowledge and wisdom are, because it is only through me that he can absorb and satisfy his hunger for knowledge, and I will satiate him with my knowledge. Because my spirit comes over Denmark, and what can be shaken, is shaken so that the foundation is founded on Jesus reality (pause explanation).
To the Christians in Denmark: You must see that I am the God of miracles, do not keep me to yourself only, and do not see yourself higher than what I have created you to be. Repent of arrogance and pride. I am more than just a personal belief. I am more than your chamber…
Behold, I refine what needs to be refined and cleanse the hatred from your past.
Surrender yourself to me anew and let me transform you completely so that you do not burst.
Give yourself to me at all times of the day, wherever you are and wherever you stand, give it all to me and see how I transform everything in your life.
Trust me because I AM WHO I SAY I AM!
Did you think you could control me?
Where is the freedom in that?
Where is your faith and where have you had your trust?
Is it in people and in money?
Turn around while there is time and see I am everywhere and I am among the people who take me for who I say I AM.
Surrender yourself anew to me, have your full trust in me, I will not share with others your trust, which must be completely surrendered to me.
You ask yourself: where is the power?
The power is in the blood of Jesus.
It is there when you choose to obey me wholeheartedly.
I'm tired of seeing half-hearted/lukewarm people who say they love me, but don't understand my love and how radical it is. Because they fear people more, instead of God the Almighty who is the creator.
He has overcome all that men find difficult to overcome, when will you see me in the great things?
In the big picture?
I am greater than you have ever hoped and dared to believe, but see I will not leave you and I will not leave you in the lurch, you just have to surrender yourself to me in ALL THINGS.
Give me your life, and life through Jesus is given to you.
It is not just a part, but IT IS THE WHOLE!
See I take all institutions in Denmark and stop that which does not honor me and my name. I tear up deep roots from the ground, which have been hidden from the Dane who sleeps.
I start with hospitals and Pharma and university hospitals.
Yes, I will do miracles and wonders that no doctor/healer can explain, and a fear of God will come over, Chief Physician.
Chief doctors will receive a confession of sin and they will stop the genocide, it is doctors who commit these things who will demand justice from the law in Denmark, because I will do so that they can see and hear that it is me they are chastising and my blood speaks and shouts from the earth says Jesus Christ.
They will demand that the law MUST be changed.
There will be an "abort abortion" demonstration, and life will cry out from Denmark and it will affect the rest of Europe.
They will shout "abort the abortion", "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".
Women begin to confess what they have done, and there is a holy conversion. For however many sins are committed, much is forgiven.
The conversion/movement is a sign that my spirit is being poured out over the earth and over Denmark.


Psalm 139
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Joel 2:28
And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people…)
Ephesians 1:4-5
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love
John 1:12
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

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