Episode 50: Author J.E. Shook "GLuteus Maximus vs. Roland Dyce"

10 months ago

This is an all star episode of Let's Find Out, we will be stirring up a little ancient Rome and a little rasslin.

The new book by J.E. Shook "Gluteus Maximus vs Rolland Dyce" is out now, with a whole different style of storytelling and it's published by Zombie Media.

J.E. Shook and Gluteus Maximus share some old wrestling stories, and J.E. Shook also tell us some of his paranormal type experiences.

With guest co-host Adam the Historian Ghost Hunter and special guest Gluteus Maximus.

Author J.E. Shook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556415095832

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Outro music "The Mountain" by Dustin Grammer - used by permission.

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