Love Buzz ⚡💗⚡🎣

10 months ago

A deep cut from Nirvana's first album entitled Bleach. I was there from the get-go. Had a friend who had a cool older brother that played this from a cassette circa 1990...a few years before they exploded with Nevermind. Good times. I added a little surprise after the outro, so wait for it. Nothing much really...just an homage, so to speak. RIP Kurt Cobain. He'd be 57 if he didn't blow his head off, or have his head blown off by someone else. For the record, Courtney Love sucks. She SUHHHHH-UCKS. She stole her entire style from him, making her not only a poser, but a shitty pseudo-artist/musician wannabe. I'd kill myself too if I had to hang around that nasty twat all day...but I digress, as if on queue. Cheers to my beloved Fishheads as always, & shoutout to @PlazmaPunk. Fresh fish cooking in my oven of creativity as we speak, so stay tuned because there's more to come. Until next time, the FisH™ abides...🎏

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