67 exorcisms were performed to expel 6 devils from this girl.

9 months ago

So here's the explanation. This is the story of Anneliese Michel who was born on 21 September 1952 in a Catholic family in Germany. When Anneliese turned 23, she told her parents that she was having very bad dreams, seeing scary faces, and she felt as if someone was whispering in her ear. After giving medical treatment to Anneliese for 5 years, instead of getting better, the situation got worse and now she started urinating on the floor and licking it, made strange noises and started beating her family members. When her parents showed it to the priest, he told that his body had been taken over by 6 devils. And she needed exorcism, she tried it but nothing happened positive to her but now she started shouting in 6 different voices. She started calling herself - Hitler (the leader of Germany), Lucifer (the devil of the devils), Judas (who betrayed Jesus). Anneliese was also seen eating a live bird's head and coal. Even after 67 exorcisms, she did not get better. Or Anneliese died on 1 July 1976.

What do you think it was - a complicated medical case or capute of devils.

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