A Glimpse In How Gotaways Operate | Check Description

10 months ago

A Glimpse Into How Gotaways Operate

Very little is known in how runners, or gotaways, make it into the United States undetected.

Here is a compilation video I made with footage from a human smuggler operating in the deserts of Mexico. Like him, there are many others on TikTok and Facebook promoting their human smuggling.

Most of the gotaways are people from Mexico and Central America, typically those that don't qualify for humanitarian parole or asylum.

Some carry food in their backpacks while others carry drugs, specifically marijuana or cocaine, as mentioned in the video.

It should be clear by now that there are different types of people entering the country illegally, asylum seekers and gotaways. Where they are from and their economic status determines how and where they enter the United States.

In case you're wondering if they made into the US, watch until the end.

Auden B. Cabello

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