Gen Flynn Interview | “When they come after you family that changes everything”

8 months ago

Gen. Flynn | “When [they] come after your family that changes EVERYTHING”

I honestly have no clue as to who is going to be the VP pick. I start to think I might but then something happens that changes my mind. With that being said Flynn is currently hitting 35 cities on a tour promoting his movie.

Could the movie be a cover for his campaigning?

I won’t pretend to know but I’m getting VP vibes from him lately. It’s an extremely long shot Frens & things could change but could you imagine?

45+ campaign said his VP pick will “shock” America & that would be pretty shocking. The other side would LOSE THEIR FKN MINDS on a scale never seen. If that happens I hope they are wearing their brown pants that day.

For those who do not remember [Renegade/Barry/Obama] told 45+ to stay away from Flynn on his first day in office.

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