Remote viewing our future schools: The Speaking House from the INSIDE

10 months ago

I'm showing you two things one are future places of learning the new earth when children get to decide what to learn according to the inner spiritual being. The second thing I'm showing you here is how you can use your imagination and your connection to spirit, to access information in the future and, create that future, by bringing the future into The now with power. This is a wonderful tool that you can use for anything, I'm choosing it currently to promote and describe to you the true places of learning our children can enjoy. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we bring that future into the present?

(So, after doing my future inspiration that the speaking house video, I find myself watching a film on YouTube called a Dreamhouse, which is about a girl who draws things into existence isn’t that interesting synchronicity...)

From Duty to Joy” The Handbook for Children’s 5- D Learning, Dr. Isabel Aimee
The Source Energy Hand Book to Activating Your Creativity, Dr. Isabel Aimee
Education for Being, Rebeca Wild
If you love what I am giving you,
“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
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I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.
I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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