Episode 64 A, Daniel 7

11 months ago

I read the Bible weekly, I'm trying to raise funds to open an office to feed hungry (neglected) children in Prairie Grove. Many kids would come over my house to visit my kids and at least half of them were very skinny and hungry. Some would eat everything they could and steal food to take home.
I decided to open a Non Profit office to feed these children and some homebound elderly I have heard about. Of course I would feed anyone who came to the office, but my primary concern is children with no other way to eat.
I went to the local food bank and was lied too, and mislead, then denied. It was very disheartening, and I went to smaller food pantries for advice and or offers to collaborate. They only used me for my little money then, ghosted me. I was depressed for a few months.
Anyway, I am still here and will open the office despite the tough, brutal competition in this field.
There is a need, no one has seen the kids that I saw, they run around at night, scrounging from their friends, it is an unknown problem. I want to open an office where they can come be safe, eat, watch tv, etc.
I of course will offer free coffee, drinks, and snacks to first reponders and hope they will come by frequently.
Well if you want to help,
ozark hunger at gmail, donations are tax deductible.
Thank you!

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