Iran-Israel War: Biden's Arab Allies Refuse Military Bases For U.S To Hit Tehran - Report

10 months ago

Iran-Israel War: Biden's Arab Allies Refuse Military Bases For U.S To Hit Tehran - Report
Times Of India

3.55M subscribers

41,819 views Apr 13, 2024 #israel #iran #hezbollah
Amidst escalating tensions in the Middle East, Gulf monarchies are reportedly cautioning the U.S. against using their military bases to retaliate against Iran, according to an exclusive report by Middle East Monitor. The report highlights the delicate balancing act Gulf leaders face between their alliance with the U.S. and the rising anger among their populations over Israel's Gaza offensive. With the U.S. heavily invested in military bases across the Gulf, the situation underscores the complexities of regional geopolitics. To delve deeper into this evolving story, click to find out more.

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