The Chariot and Courageous Peony Energy Vlog

5 months ago

The Chariot and Courageous Peony Energy Vlog tielk is form the date Aprikl 13, 2024 thus 25 which adds to #7 the Chariot card and the Courageous Ponty is form the Starseed oracle deck that we pulled today. You're multifaceted and unique in nature. Let your unique self be seen.

The schumann resonance today Disclosure site showed us four amplitudes. the first form yesterday was a power of 39 at 10:00 PM UTC on the 12th of April Thus we have the wheel of fortune rolling up on the Hanged Man is his self sacrifice and change of perspective about the karmic change it brings. The first amplitude power of today is 21 at 5:45 Am UTC thus we have Temperance bringing balance and patience to the world stage. The second amplitude power of 25 at 12 noon UTC thus we have the Hanged Man Halting the Chariot as he changes his perspective and sacrifices the free ride. The last amplitude power o is 40 at 5:00 PM UTC thus we have the Hierophant with a spiritual message for the Emperor as he uses his divine will to expand his empire. The quality power is 28 thus we have #10 the Wheel of fortune roklkling in with karmic change in a big way. The frequency average is 7.60 hertz thus #13 teh Death card thus we have transformation or transition leading us to a new state of being.

Therefore we can say about it all is: The Chariot swiftly brings the Emperor to his karmic change via the wheel of fortune thus leading to his death as a dictator.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
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Redacted rumble video on X and Elon Musk censorship by Brazil:

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