Surah At- Takathur Recitation

11 months ago

#SurahTakasur #Quran #Para30 #Tajweed #QuranForKids #LearningQuran

Surah At-Takasur heart touching tilawat | Amazing recitation of Quran in deep voice

Today we recite Surah At-Takathur, the 102nd chapter of the Quran, reflects on the distractions of worldly possessions and the ultimate pursuit of wealth, status, and rivalry, warning of the consequences in the Hereafter.
Surah At-Takathur, meaning "The Rivalry in Worldly Increase," emphasizes the preoccupation of humans with amassing wealth and worldly gains, leading them to compete and boast about their achievements. The Surah highlights the transient nature of worldly possessions and the inevitability of death, reminding people of the Day of Judgment when they will be held accountable for their deeds. It urges reflection on the true purpose of life and warns against being consumed by material pursuits to the neglect of spiritual growth and preparation for the afterlife.
Surah At Takasur
Surah At Takasur Full
Surah Takasur
Takasur Full
Surah Takasur Full
surah at takasur
surah at takasur full
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surah at takasur full HD arabic
surah at takasur full HD arabic text

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