Going so fast in Cars 3 DTW I made Jackson Storm cry.

10 months ago

I went so fast I'm the one putting Jackson Storm in retirement and not the other way around 😆. I have been playing this level over and over again but never letting myself win against him because i wanted to be so fast that he's embarressed😳. Cars 🚗 3 dtiven to win is such a good game with great mechanics. Fortnite with their live serveice gamemode rocket racing should be like this (granted i dont know why rocket racing isnt a game mode in rocket league and i do know that rocket racing has to keep part of its mechanics for racing but it still be more fun with these mechanics). Also rocket racing doesn't give too much xp )the base gamemode as of now). #xbox #xbox360 #cars #cars3 #cars3driventowin #sacmrbeast #2017 #thedaythatfortnitewascreatedwasalsotheendofmoderngaming #battlepassessuck #microtransactionssuck #worththe10dollarsIproctoredoffofGoodwill #disney #disneypixar #disneypixarcars #pixar #pixargame #disneygames #disneysgamesgamplay #disneyplus #controller #smallyoutuber #smallyoutubersupport #racing #gaming #like #subscribe #subscribetomychannel #notification #idontknowwhyyouwouldprobablysubscribetomesincethisisnotagoodcontent #rocketracingshouldbelikethis

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