Chinese Communist Party & Law Enforcement Agencies Are Controlled By Illuminati & Demons/Reptilian$

10 months ago

In July 2023 I went to China to pursue a Job opportunity as an English teacher. After few months of teaching there demons tried to get me into legal trouble by sending women after me in order to honey trap me. These women were placed at the school where I was employed and also approched and tried to seduce me at the gym where I worked out. Demons/illuminati also got my employer involved and tried to get me involved in some illegal activities at my place of employment, however I didn't take the bait or fall into their traps and ended up quiting my job. While in China I was Gang stalked by Chinese police. Demons approched me when I was out in public and tried to engage me in conversations, however I ignored them every time and was able to exit from the country safely

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