Article 4751 Video - International Public Notice: No Authority to Conduct War By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4751 Video - International Public Notice: No Authority to Conduct War - Saturday, April 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Even when the American Federal Republic was functioning, the Federal Government had no authority to conduct offensive war.

The contract is public, and it clearly stipulates defensive capabilities only, and its intent to defend the actual physically-defined States, is also clear.

So the grant of power to the American Federal Subcontractor is: (1) defensive only; (2) pertains only to the physical States of the Union, not to business corporations operating as "State" Trusts or as State of State organizations, such as the so-called "State of Israel, Incorporated".

The capacity for offensive war is reserved for the actual Congress, known popularly as the Continental Congress, with delegations of Fiduciary Deputies representing each of the States of the Union.

No American Congress competent to declare war has done so, either in defense or offense, since the War of 1812.

This is because the American Congress has not been in Session, and the Federal Republic Congress has not been in Session since 1861.

All "wars" have been Mercenary Conflicts this entire time, and it remains the circumstance today.

The only entity having actual War Powers is our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America on behalf of our member States of the Union.

All so-called "War Powers" as in the "War Powers Act" are actually attempts to redefine Mercenary Conflicts carried out by and for privately held commercial corporations as "wars".

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