International Public Notice: Conflict of Interest and Our Objections By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4750 Video - International Public Notice: Conflict of Interest and Our Objections - Saturday, April 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to our attention that the remaining Federal Subcontractors, two parent Municipal corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia, have contracted with each other.

Those representing the Municipal United States Government have contracted with the Territorial United States Government such that Joe Biden is proposing to act as the President of the United States of America, while basing his office and authority on The Constitution of the United States.

This represents a basic usurpation of power reserved for the States and people of this country, and the creation of a conflict of interest to which we, the Delegators of all Delegated Powers, object.

It was never intended, inferred, implied, or allowed by any Federal Constitution that Federal Subcontractors would contract with each other, as separate entities, for services for themselves.

This leads to a situation in which the parent Municipal conglomerate generally spoken of as "the United States" incorporated has hired the Territorial service provider we created for our own uses, to provide itself with military services for hire.

So, the United States, Inc., has purchased the services of the United States of America, Inc., for its own protection, which potentially places both corporations at odds with their actual employers and priority creditors.

This is staging, via conflict of interest not allowed by our contracts with either service provider, to create a civil war in this country -- at the hands of our employees.

We object to any such commingling of Municipal and Territorial roles and interests, especially any such commingling by contract that could confuse the allegiances of both Service Providers and lead to armed conflict on our shores.

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