Article 4749 Video - A Pause to Consider - Saturday, April 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4749 Video - A Pause to Consider - Saturday, April 13, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Please direct your attention to the fact that energy impresses itself on matter.

This means that our energy, which we project -- literally -- creates matter and determines its form.

That puts a different spin on the oft-repeated phrase, "children of God".

It also explains why we each encapsulate about 33 Trillion (with a T) volts of electricity within our bodies, and why, when an egg is fertilized, the event is marked by a tiny flash of light.

We are creators and we are creating and using energy to do this every single day, but thinking nothing of it. We create like water flows downhill.

We aren't even aware that we are doing it.

And there's the rub.

Take a look at the world that we are collectively, as a mass population, creating. Ask yourself --- is this what we want? Death, destruction, constant fighting, pollution, upheaval, lies and oppression of every kind?

Rats in a trap would be better behaved than our politicians.

So what this airy-fairy talk about changing your "frequency" and "ascending" is all about, is really about changing what you create by changing the energy you project.

Start radiating love instead of hate, and see what happens.

Start working on your own bad habits -- gossiping, lying, fear-mongering -- just stop doing those things which are well-within your control, and see the change in your own life and the lives of people around you.

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