So Starmer can find money for nukes, just not anything else?

5 months ago

Fiscal rules are out of the window it seems as Keir Starmer pledges his 'unshakable, absolute, total' commitment to nukes.
Right, so the Magic Money Tree has put in a magical new appearance it would seem as Keir Starmer has announced he will be increasing defence spending and continue to back Britain’s nuclear deterrent, all after having spent an interminable amount of time it seems, telling us that we cannot afford this and cannot afford that all in the name of sticking to fiscal rules that neither really exist, except in the fevered red Tory brain of ex banker Rachel Reeves, not actually make any economic sense. Where Starmer has said no to dealing with child poverty, infrastructure like schools and hospitals, no way out of continued Tory austerity under his Labour if they form the next government, he can find money to go on a global willy waving contest. This is peak small man syndrome and the country will suffer just so he can massage his own ego and brag about pushing the big red button to appease equally the equally red faces of the nations Gammons.
Right, so the biggest question people have been asking about Labour under Keir Starmer for years now has been what do you stand for? He’s flip flopped and changed his mind and come up with pledge, after promise after mission after vow after commitment and not stuck at the vast majority of it, save for his support for Israel, but this has been a question asked more and more of as his Labour have repeatedly ruled out investing in the stuff that matters, the stuff that people need and his basis for that has been we can’t afford it, blaming the Tories for their spending, saying labour must be more responsible and pointing to Rachel Reeves fiscal rules, which are complete nonsense and don’t mean a damn thing. Following World War II when this country was in ruins and riddled with debt, the government of Attlee that came in didn’t say we can’t fix any of that, because there was a mass infrastructure programme to build housing, hospitals, schools, create the NHS, create social security and make this a country to actually be proud of.
We’re in nowhere near the same state as a country, but you’d think we were listening to Reeves, because lets face it, when it comes to day to day running of the country decisions, she’s in charge, not Starmer, he’s out of his depth in a birdbath, let alone as PM and that I fear is something that will become readily apparent.
But where Reeves and Starmer have decided they can’t afford to end the cruel impoverishing two child benefit cap, cannot invest in the NHS, preferring more privatisation, cannot invest in education, cannot seemingly invest in anything at all, yet still think they can deliver growth of course, the one thing they do seem to think is still worth investing in are nuclear weapons. Kids can starve, we need nukes. All his words of no uncosted commitments and they are out the window the moment the Daily Fail come a-calling, when it’s time to appeal to their audience, which amounts to people much like this bunch, who can forget the wall of gammon, the voters Starmer wants, not caring about the rest of us who’s votes he’s lost and are continuing to lose on a daily basis.

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