Matrix Exposing | Cosmic Clock | Yssah & Isaac Rodriguez DENDERA ZODIAC | Sidereal Astrologist

8 months ago

In this episode titled DENDERA ZODIAC, TESSERACTS & TIME, we interview Yssah and Isaac Rodriguez.

Yssah is the founder and chairwoman of the HUNUH ÁKHNÀ Foundation. She teaches "Quantum Hologenisis" which are codes and geometrical expressions of higher levels of consciousness that inhabit within the human hologram.

Isaac is a Sidereal Astrologist (the difference between the Zodiac and the true placement of the stars) whose foundation comes from the science of Astronomy, String Theory and the art of Astrophotography. Isaac has also studied ancient cosmology and Astro theology.

Isaac was interviewed in the soon to be released movie "Code 12".

If you are interested in attending the 11 day, 2023 Solar Eclipse (October 14, 2023) trip with Yssah and her partner (an archeologist), please send her an email:

Yssah is based in Mexico but has spent a lot of time in Egypt. Here is her bio:

"The Founder and Chairwoman of HUNUH ÁKHNÀ Foundation. Codes are geometrical expressions of higher levels of consciousness that inhabit within the human hologram. Being the human hologram, a ubiquity extension of the source to all.

Within the quantum field, we are capable to order these geometrical data into the most precise combinations of algorithms that configure the most evolved expression of oneself. Throughout my labor, I have designed methods that enable a simple form to embody the complex structure of reality, and restore it to it’s essential nature… a unified consciousness.

These methods constitute an Omnivision standpoint where quantum physics, astrology, geometry, mathematics, biology, genetics and mystics come unified in an effective structure. All of them sourced in “The primordial Codes of humanity as a cosmic race”, and punctually specific processes to achieve the unfolding of this galactic DNA coding." - HUNUH YssaH

Yssah's Facebook page:

/ alayana333x7979yssah
Yssah's YouTube channel:

/ @yssaharzatelibien5951

Isaac's Facebook page:
Isaac's YouTube channel:

/ @siderealastrologist

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