What whcih Fruits are mentioned in the the Quran Quran majeed main kin kin phalon ka zikar hai

9 months ago

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What whcih Fruits are mentioned in the the Quran? | Quran majeed main kin kin phalon ka zikar hai?

Asslamoalaikum, sisters brothers and friends we are discribing about What whcih Fruits are mentioned in the the Quran? | Quran majeed main kin kin phalon ka zikar hai?

Allah said in surah An Nahl verse 11 “With it He causes to grow for you the crops, the olives, the date-palms, the grapes, and every kind of fruit. Verily! In this is indeed an evident proof and a manifest sign for people who give thought.”

Allah mentions specific fruits in this ayah, but He also mentions all fruit in general and calls them “evident proof” and a “manifest sign.” Allah also tells us in the Qur’an to eat what is “Halal and Tayyib (pure).”

What is the sign in this? Allah SWT gave us these delicious fruits to eat as a sign of His love for us. He could have given us just two or three fruits. We would never even know what we are missing out on. Rather, He gave us hundreds that have so many nutritious benefits.

Allah is the Perfect Designer. He doesn’t make things without purpose, and everything He made halal for us to eat has benefit. Among these things are the following fruits that are specifically mentioned in the Qur’an:

Allah Hafiz

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