Autism: Hypotonia, motor skills, and mitochondria

8 months ago

Does your child have problems brushing teeth, using utensils, or using crayons?

Does your OT tell you the your child has low muscle tone or hypotonia?

Do you treat your child for constipation?

Research shows up to 80% of children with autism have problems with their mitochondria. That’s the part of the body that produces energy.

Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery!

Our fourth episode of this mini-series reviews how mitochondria dysfunction is caused by the toxins or infections that cause autism regressions, and how poorly functioning mitochondria can produce autism symptoms such as low muscle tone, poor fine motor skills, chronic constipation, seizures, and developmental delay.;

Naturally supporting mitochondria these can support normal motor skills and intestinal motor function in your child!

Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding mitochondria in autism and improving motor function and motor skills and constipation, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals!

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Skowron Solution Course-

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