Your wife is your partner

10 months ago

Your wife is your partner
. 1 : Call her with sweet nicknames.

. 2 : Play any lawful game with her (the Prophet ï·º used to run with Aisha) and when a husband plays with his wife, Allah loves him.

. 3 : Be kind to him and offer him everything that will soften his heart towards you.

. 4. Buy him gifts, why not coffee sometimes?

. 5 . Try to teach prayer and Quran with love

6 : Help him in household activities whenever you are present like cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the room etc. This is Sunnah

7 : Honor his parents and give them gifts sometimes

. 8 : Appreciate the good things and work she has done for you and always thank her for it.

. 9 : Tell her how much she means to you, how much you love her and how lucky you are to have her.

. 10 : Listen to his words with full attention, love and interest and solve the problems he tells you immediately

. 11 : Praise him before telling him his fault

. 12 : Always adorn yourself with good fragrance

. 13 : Whenever you are together, talk to him

. 14 : When you are at work, I miss you, tell him I love you on the phone

. 15 : Keep working together with him like cooking, reciting Holy Quran etc

. 16 : Do not reveal his fault in the presence of others

. 17 : Teach him about religion

. 18. Avoid hurting him by beating him

. 19 : Advise him to wear hijab, pray five times a day, fast during Ramadan and give zakat (if it is obligatory).

. 20 : Always remember him in your prayers

. 21 : Be the path on which your wife can go to heaven

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