5 months ago

First published at 10:40 UTC on April 13th, 2024.
1555 subscribers
This is a great expose of the corruption that festers all the way to the top of our governments. It will take Jesus himself to drain this swamp. No wonder the Deep State Bolsheviks always get their way, including both World Wars and the spread of communism. The entire 'alt right' promotes Putinism and billionaire kosher thieves have hijacked it all. The great slaughter of WW1 was a civil war engineered by the Bolshevik banksters to eliminate the 3 great Christian Empires of Germany, Austro-Hungary and Russia, replacing them with communism or socialism. Germany had defeated Russia in 1917, gaining vast territory with the Brest-Litovsk Treaty. The Jews had to nullify that German victory so they carried out a coup after sowing defeatism with their press and using strikes and subterfuge to sabotage the German war effort. These snakes forged the Kaiser's abdication signature. The Social Democrats then disbanded the Wehrmacht while the Allies kept theirs, turning the Nov 11, 1918 ceasefire into a 'surrender' even though the front line was on French soil. Then the Jews at Versailles saddled Germany with the monstrous Versailles Treaty, tearing millions of Germans away from their homeland and sowing the seeds of WW2. This freed up their fellow Bolsheviks to take over all of Russia, as planned. It was a win, win, win situation for them. They could continue Bolshevizing Russia, dominate a 'defeated' Germany and foment communist revolution there, and the western Bolshevik banksters got the $billions in German war reparations, much of which they spent helping the Bolsheviks of Russia. See how clever and cunning it all was? This vast international organizational ability is their greatest strength. The leaven (poison) of the Pharisees penetrates everywhere, which is why we need divine intervention to help defeat them. All the Putin shills in the 'alternative' media are in no way organic. The Deep State Bolsheviks want to depopulate Ukraine and demoralize the West. The Eurasian Bloc is the biblical Gog and Magog that attacks the West and fails. Revelation 20:7: "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison (ghettos), 8 And shall go out to deceive (subvert) the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog (Russia, China, etc), to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints (Christian West) about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them."

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