eclipse debunk the globe model in so many ways (Amazing flat earth science!)

10 months ago

Video credits: orbs
9:05 eclipses debunk the GLOBE
10:26 The Math of ECLIPSES debunk globe model
11:04 Lunar Eclipses disprove Globe

I recommend that if you want to research flat earth proof use rumble bichute, and (NOT GOOGLE). Google hides the truth. U can also Bypass the YouTube algorithm with these playlists I made. See description👇

Learn more about eclipse here:
🌙Eclipse Backward Shadow?
🌞 Nasa gets their eclipse predictions from the cycles over the flat earth. 👉The heliocentric model cannot predict eclipses. Gravity and the solar system are completely not used for predicting the eclipse. Watch How Flat Earthers Predict Eclipses
👉Globe Eclipses debunked
👉Sun & Moon Angles 4.0 Selenelions
📜playlist of more eclipse vids
👉website for more:
✈️footage from a plane show multiple dark suns or orbs in front of sun during an Eclipses
👉HOW THE ECLIPSE WORKS, demonstrated
🤩Constellations and Stars proves the Flat Earth
👉The eclipse that destroyed the Globe
👉website explains how THE ECLIPSE WORKS on flat earth,
- my flat earth proof playlist
➖Horizon Dip debunked

🗺️Globers like Michael Toon constantly claim that you can only predict eclipses with the globe model.
The fact of the matter however is that eclipses have been accurately predicted by cultures worldwide for thousands of years before the “heliocentric ball-Earth” was even a glimmer in Copernicus’ imagination. Eclipses happen regularly with precision in 18 year cycles, so regardless of geocentric or heliocentric.

Lunar eclipses only occur during full Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic opposite the Sun, and Solar eclipses only occur during new Moons when the Moon is at the crossing point of the ecliptic and aligned with the Sun.
🌙A spherical object never casts a perfectly round shadow that moves across the surface of another spherical object the way we see the alleged shadow of earth move across the moon during a lunar eclipse. Get an assortment of beachballs and a light and try it yourself. The 2 spheres will cancel out the curve, making the shadow perfectly straight or a slight S shape.

There is a similar issue with the “Umbra and Penumbra” explanation as to why the shadow cast by the moon onto earth is so small… Why dont we see the same umbra/penumbra with the Lunar eclipse and Earth’s shadow? Anyone can easily see for themselves, using a flashlight and two balls, that shadows don’t work the way the heliocentric/globular earth model claims they do.

The heliocentric/globular earth models’ explanation for eclipses is in direct opposition to empirical testable evidence of how shadows work. The burden of proof is on them to provide empirical evidence of their claim. Not only do round objects provably not cast round shadows onto spherical surfaces, but also, shadows don’t get smaller and more defined with increased distance. AND Selenelion eclipses are geometrically impossible as well. The current model’s explanation for eclipses is physically impossible, so anyone claiming something in opposition to ALL empirical evidence, has the burden of proof on them to substantiate that claim.
➖A huge problem with the paths of the solar eclipses on the globe model is that they make strange up and down patterns that really make no sense on a globe. How can a zigzag pattern be possible on the globe model?
Well if you look at the SAME paths drawn out on a flat earth map, then you get ovals, circular paths of the eclipse around the flat earth!
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