Doublespeak O'Doherty Strikes Again

8 months ago

Wannabe martyr Gemma O'Doherty is again speaking out of both sides of her mouth to suit her dubious case. After months of tearing Enoch Burke and his family to pieces with her false claims and vitriolic tongue, she has the audacity to use his name outside court as if they are united against the system. Can't imagine Enoch Burke would give her the time of day after what she has said about his character and his stance to protect children from the transgender agenda in Ireland. Enoch is standing up for a cause that actually matters and he's winning. Gemma, on the other hand, is picking on a grieving mother who did not consent to having her son's image used on the cover of The Irish Light. Instead of apologising, she has doubled down and slandered the mother online in a campaign of harassment, far from the 'love and compassion' she claimed to represent in court. Enoch and Gemma have nothing in common. One is honourable, the other is not.

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