Bathtime Bunny Snaps At Owners

6 years ago

Who among us doesn’t love a bunny? They’re soft, cute, cuddly, and friendly to boot. Plus, for those who are not fans of noisy and needy pets, rabbits keep to themselves. It’s why magicians use them for the “out of the hat” trick, they can be trusted to stay still and keep quiet throughout. However, not many people know that bunnies have a clear red line. Do not push them, or else they will retaliate.

These rabbit owners give their bunny a bath. They amuse themselves by flicking water on its head.

We start out normally enough, the rabbit’s in the tub, seeming to enjoy his or herself. Accompanied by the sound of restrained, muffled laughter, the rabbit’s owners (who sound like teen girls, but that’s merely speculation) begin drizzling water on the bunny’s cute wiggly button nose.

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