#AnnaClips Schools Aren't Teaching American Kids, American History!

9 months ago

Original Interview from April 2, 2024: https://www.youtube.com/live/3iJ70dygFp0?si=79kql6k_T5GqejGu

The School Districts (as in "District of Columbia") have overtaken our schools! This was only made possible because in 1861, the American Federal Subcontractor ceased to function.

Only 2/3 of our American government is still functioning, but 1/3 isn't!

The federal government is often confused with "The Federation". The federal government operates 100% entirely in international and global jurisdictions. It does not have any power, whatsoever, to say one word about our soil jurisdiction, nor our national government. It has usurped upon the powers of the Federation, and abused their delegated powers to such an extent, that's its doubtful they have any proper delegated authorities left anyways. The federal "government" are international corporations that have run amok!

We must stand up and fully restore our American government. The Federation is the delegator of all their federal powers. By order of law, all authorities revert back to the original delegator.

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