Multilevel Marketing Unexposed: What Coffeezilla And Always Marco Lie About

10 months ago

Mullti Level Marketing (MLM) companies and network marketing have been at the epicenter of critics for decades now. And every influencer you've seen do a review of these network marketing companies, haven't told you the whole truth about how they work, and what they actually are.

This video will be a complete walkthrough of why all MLM's are not a scam, I'll tell you exactly how they work similarly to affiliate marketing, and why they aren't a complete evil to the world.

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Jon Weberg is a consultant who works with businesses and companies to create the right precise strategies to help them reach their next comma.

If you want to raise customer retention, scale your revenue forward,
build a loving customer culture that sticks for life, consider building forward with Jon.

These companies employ a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) model, which means they typically use "distributors" or affiliates to sell their products & services. This approach is commonly known as network marketing or affiliate marketing.

Despite appearing ordinary at first glance, many of these companies have faced significant backlash, leading to the formation of entire communities that oppose them, which is the anti-MLM community.

However, a lot of this information about MLM's is often biased or inaccurate.

Furthermore, we examine what exactly constitutes a Pyramid Scheme, how to identify one, and whether the accusations leveled against network marketing companies are justified. (In my opinion, it is only appliable to specific companies and not the entire industry as a whole)

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