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10 months ago

Republicans in the Senate are sick and tired of their Republican counterparts in the House causing chaos, and they are now urging Republican Speaker Mike Johnson to stand up to the "chaos caucus," and especially to Marjorie Taylor Greene. In other words, they want Johnson to stop being such a coward. But Johnson can't do much of anything at this point and he's already proven that he's not going to stand up to the people destroying the party from the inside. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

You know what's remarkable? Like for many, many, many years, we have talked about the fact that you've got these just godawful Republicans in the Senate, right? You've got your Ted Cruzs, you've got your Rick Scott, your Rand Pauls, your Josh Hawley, just Mitch McConnell's, Lindsey Grip, like just the worst of the worst on the Republican side. So what's hilarious right now is that all of this chaos in the House of Representatives has not only given Republicans in the Senate cover, but it's also made them look like the responsible faction of the Republican Party. In fact, this week, Republicans in the Senate actually came out and finally demanded that Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson get his Republicans in line, and that he stopped bowing to the Chaos Caucus. Let me read a couple of these statements from these Republicans telling Mike Johnson to finally grow a pair.

First one is from Republican Senator Roger Wicker, who said he needs to count the votes, and I think there's a substantial majority in the House who would vote in favor of the defense supplemental, and he needs to do the courageous and correct thing to stand by our ally talking about funding Ukraine. I don't think there's a majority of the house that will vacate the speaker's position right now. Um, actually you had House Intelligence Committee chair Mike Turner again in the House, not the Senate, who also came out and said, Johnson needs to stop bowing to the quote Chaos Caucus. Then you had Republican senator Tom Tillis who said this. I think that Speaker Johnson understands the critical importance of supporting Ukraine, and if that means he's gotta look past a few of his members who I think have a different position, absolutely. This is about leadership, right?

Everybody talks about being bipartisan. That would give them a really good opportunity to be bipartisan on something that's critically important. Hopefully they will. Mitch McConnell, America's National Security depends on sustained investment in both cutting edge capabilities and expanded defense in industrial capacity. That's why I continue to insist on overdue steps like the full year defense appropriations and National Security supplemental. The Senate passed earlier this year, so even when they're not calling him out by name, they're still calling him out. Like that's what this is. Like, Hey, we've actually done our job. We did some bipartisan stuff over here in the Senate. What the hell are you doing? You're letting the crazies run the asylum at this point, Mike, could you please maybe get on the same page so we can do something to help the world? I mean, imagine for a second when Mitch McConnell is the responsible one. I mean republicans in the Senate are being led by a guy who has like one foot in the grave, a guy who at any random moment, can just totally

Freeze up like that, and they're still better equipped to pass bills than the idiots in the House of Representatives. That to me, is just absolutely shocking.

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