Fame Is The Spur by Howard Spring. BBC RADIO DRAMA

10 months ago

Set against the wider current of events in England in the early 19th century, this is a tale of ambition. A man who rises from the most humble of beginnings in Ancoats, Manchester to reach the very top in politics in the era when the Labour Party was born after a great struggle.

John Hamer Shawcross is a victim of his own success, and one of the great characters of English literature.

Ian McKellen stars as Shawcross - from his boyhood on the streets of Manchester to his pursuit of power and fame.

John Shawcross ...... Ian McKellen
John Shawcross as a Boy ...... Gary Carp
Tom Hannaway as a Youth ...... Phillip Politt
Arnold Ryerson as a Youth ...... David Riley
Grandfather ...... Geoffrey Banks
Ellen ...... Rosalie Williams
Ma Hannaway ...... Elizabeth Hannaway
Charles Artingstall ...... George Hagan
Ann Artingstall ...... Susan Revill
Lillian Artingstall ...... Elizabeth Kelly
Hawley ...... Graham Tennant
Lizzie Lightowler ...... Rosalie Crutchley
George Hagan ...... Charles Artingstall
Polly Burnsall ...... Romy Baskerville
Ian Flintoff ...... Gordon Stansfield
Hilda ...... Lesley Nicol
Arnold Ryerson ...... Andrew Jackson
Pen Muff ...... Vida Paterson
Richardson ...... Randal Herley
Ezra Crompton ...... Jimmy Bradock
Tom Hannaway ...... Geoffrey Wheeler
Lord Lostwithiel of Hereward Castle ...... Jeffrey Wickham
Lady Lettice Melland ...... Helen Ryan

Howard Spring's novel adapted for radio in eight episodes by Ken Whitmore
Directed by Trevor Hill
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1979

Episode 1 00:00 Born in Captivity

Episode 2 54:46 Thrown to the Wolves
As John starts work, he studies, preaches and keeps fit - preparing to change the world.

Episode 3 1:48:36 The Fight for St Swithin's
John's political campaign starts in Bradford with rousing speeches to the crowds.

Episode 4 2:42:20 Lovers and Losers
Dirty tricks are played by a ruthless opponent - how will Labour fare in the by-election?

Episode 5 3:36:00 Deaths and Entrances
John's political pursuits lead him to Westminster and Welsh valley mines.

Episode 6 4:30:15 Hamer's Women
Social reformer John is tempted by Lady Lettice, as his wife fights for the suffragettes.

Episode 7 5:21:02 Nothing But the Truth, Almost!
The Great War dominates politics as leaders ask people to unite. Hamer's son enlists.

Episode 8 6:16:07 Perish By the Sword
Labour briefly tastes of power, and fortunes are made and lost as Hamer Shawcross concludes his memoirs.

Ian McKellen stars in the story of John Hamer Shawcross - set against the wider current of events in England in the early 19th century.

Howard Spring's novel freely adapted by Ken Whitmore.

John Hamer Shawcross …. Sir Ian McKellen
Jimmy Newboult …. John Baldwin
Lady Lettice Melland …. Helen Ryan
Lady Hannaway …. Romy Baskerville
Arnold Tyerson …. Andrew Jackson
Pen Ryerson …. Vida Paterson
Lizzie Lightowler …. Rosalie Crutchley
Tom Hannaway …. Geoffrey Wheeler
Alice Ryerson …. Valerie Georgeson
Charles Shawcross …. Richard Durden
Pendleton …. Rory Scase

Director: Trevor Hill

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1979.

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