False Prophet: Caleb Lines calls God the Father Gay(Blasphemy)

10 months ago

False Prophet: Caleb Lines calls God the Father Gay(Blasphemy)

Video by: me
This is Me Speaking 🔊

Galatians 6:7 Nkjv
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

This is completely blasphemous and disgraceful. You sir. You need to repent.

#sharethegospel #theBibleisthewordofGod #blasphemy #mockery #falseprophet #knowthebibleforyourself #repentorperish #CalebLines #CalebLinesNeedstorepent #fallingaway #thefallingaway #thedevilisaliar #GodwillnotbeMocked #unacceptable

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