Conscious creation through improvisation: Accessing information through the morphogenetic field.

10 months ago

You can access past present or future by simply placing yourself in the situation, and being receptive. The way I practice this INSPIRITION @The Speaking House is a fusion of remote viewing, remote influencing and Bernd Hellinger’s Family Constellations. This is simply taking the spirit into a dimensional shift where the information is. It’s a kind of an energetic-translocation, travelling through the realms of thought (the etheric planes). It’s a brilliant method for accessing information, for perusing ideas and testing them.

The following video is not in any way rehearsed. This is direct transfer from my spirit into my current consciousness.
It is actually a wonderful explanation of The Speaking House schools of the future ( not so distant!)

You can use this process to gather more information on ANY topic or situation, past present or future.
I offer this work when you join my Patreon: Soulutions…on any topic

From Duty to Joy” The Handbook for Children’s 5- D Learning, Dr. Isabel Aimee

The Source Energy Hand Book to Activating Your Creativity, Dr. Isabel Aimee
Education for Being, Rebeca Wild
If you love what I am giving you,

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page to book a personal session,

 and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website
using the email above.

I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.
I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :
Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address
37365 is the destination tag

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