The Threat of Smart Cities in New Zealand

8 months ago

William Bisset interview with Ross, a resident of Christchurch, NZ, on the rollout of SMART cities in New Zealand. This is happening without the knowledge or consent of citizens, including local government staff who have not been made aware of the bigger picture in relation to partnerships with international powerbrokers such as the United Nations and World Economic Forum. Ross has researched the issue.

Every local council in New Zealand now belongs to the Smart Cities Council, whose focus is on making sure that citizens live "sustainably" by not contributing to carbon dioxide emissions which are claimed to be causing climate change.

Ross refers to the Association of Local Government Information Management (ALGIM) which intends to include all local councils for "a digitally transformed local government sector". This is hugely profitable for Big Tech companies who serve the role of providing the products that local governments will purchase with increased rates and taxes.

Ross also refers to the fact that Central Bank Digital Currency is being rolled out in New Zealand. Sold as helping to "maintain New Zealander's trust in money, protect our financial system, and improve payments by increasing efficiency and enabling innovation", CBDCs are in fact programmable and will be connected to the digital identification that everyone will be issued, so that your spending can be kept within "safe" limits based on your compliance with "the science" of carbon emissions, public health protection requirements (eg up to date vaccinations) and other rules being set in order to keep the planet safe from humans, and humans safe from the risks of living on a dangerous planet. Only by partnering government with corporations, can we be kept maximally safe.


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