What if everything we know about cancer is wrong? With Professor Thomas Seyfried

10 months ago

What if everything we know about cancer is wrong?

That nasty, horrible disease that we all fear. And as we all know someone affected by…

As one is only "unlucky to get"...

Imagine if there are scientists who know exactly why we get it - and how we can treat it, completely different from what we do today, without the horrible side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

But if that were the case - then my doctor would know about this... and offer it to me as a possible treatment, right?

Well..everything is not always as clear-cut as you might think, in this world.

Hear from Thomas Seyfried, Professor of Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry, who has been researching cancer for over 40 years, coming up with results that challenge just about everything we know about cancer today.

Thomas Seyfried:

Pablo Kelly:

Cancer revolution documentary:

Cancer as a metabolic disease:

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