Is Nationwide Rent Control Coming?

10 months ago

In this video, I talk about some recent developments that suggest there will be price controls and renter protections.

My personal opinion is that things have gotten so far out of balance that we need some protections. When we stop looking at the narrative and really look at what is happening with REAL people, we can see that things are changing and that many people are unprepared for these economic changes.

The lower classes and middle class needs protections. And I personally think that the collective consciousness is rising, and that means that we're collectively going to reach an agreement that housing is a human right and not a privilege. Everyone deserves a roof over their head, regardless of how much they work. Our value has nothing to do with what we produce.

Now -- how that unfolds in reality is up in the air, but right now I think that is rent control. I don't think it will be profitable to be a landlord anymore. Owning a home should be something you do because you need a place to live, not because you want passive income. And frankly, most landlords really ARE passive. They don't do anything to maintain their properties and still expect you to pay them every month, and the courts allow this kind of arrangement.

These kinds of policies are anti-human. So, at this point, I just don't give a sh*t what happens to landlords anymore. I'm tired of getting screwed by slumlords, and I'll bet you are or you know someone who has been screwed by a landlord who is a parasite.

Let me know what you think in the comments. Please keep it civil.

Let's talk about it with facts and evidence and not opinions or political talking points. I love a good debate!


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