Unveiling the Inception of Our Reality

10 months ago

There was an inception in this reality millions of years ago, where this realm was originally intended to be a playground for beings to explore separation and return to the cosmic mother. Some refer to this as the arrival of angelic races or a great experiment to cultivate divine beings in a physical form. However, this intent was disrupted as the timeline shifted, with the arrival of the Anunnaki - a broad term referencing various lineages and species who came to this planet, some with more benevolent intentions than others. They incepted their teachings into human consciousness and seeded their DNA, leading to the slave race mentality and the hijacking of sacred priestesses and the hierogamic union.

Tracing the Roots of the Orion War Narrative
Intertwined with the Anunnaki drama was the ripple effect of the interdimensional inception of the Orion War narrative. This DNA became woven into the pool of this reality, as the manipulation of consciousness to serve certain roles and empires is a common practice in the vast interdimensional realm. The commodification of life force energy is a key component, as the worship and glorification of non-corporeal beings empowers them at the expense of human sovereignty. This intricate web extends into the Akashic records, where vows and agreements made by humans continue to play out across lifetimes until they are truly reclaimed and integrated.

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