The Xi-Ma meeting reiterated the 1992 Consensus.

9 months ago

4/10/2024 The Xi-Ma meeting reiterated the 1992 Consensus. Mr. Miles Guo had long exposed the CCP's lie about "peaceful reunification across the strait” and Xi's ambition to crush Taiwan and persecute Taiwanese. Mr. Guo also urged the Taiwanese people that only by uniting and taking action can Taiwan be protected.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #Taiwan #1992Consensus
4/10/2024 习马会面再提九二共识。而郭文贵先生早就揭穿了中共要“两岸和平统一“的谎言,曝光了习准备粉碎台湾和迫害台湾人的野心,并呼吁台湾人民要团结并行动起来才能保护台湾。
#中共 #消灭中共 #台湾 #九二共识

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