The CCP’s media manipulation fuels global anti-American sentiment

10 months ago

4/10/2024 [China Watch with Kathleen Winn] Ava: The CCP’s media manipulation fuels global anti-American sentiment, making people believe that America is the root cause of drugs and poverty. Mr. Miles Guo has previously disclosed that the CCP is anti-white, inciting people of color to blame all social problems on white people. As a result, some white Americans have adopted a communist worldview and harbor resentment towards their own race
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #fentanyl #media #MilesGuo
4/10/2024 莘7女孩做客《凯瑟琳·温恩观察中国》莘7女孩:中共操纵媒体助长全球反美情绪,让人们相信美国是毒品和贫穷的根源。文贵先生曾爆料中共是反白人的,他们煽动有色族群把一切社会问题归罪于白人,其结果是有些美国白人自己也接受了共产主义世界观,仇恨自己的种族
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #芬太尼 #媒体 #郭文贵

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