If the U.S. really wants to stop the CCP’s espionage activities, they should close down...

8 months ago

4/10/2024 [China Watch with Kathleen Winn] Ava: If the U.S. really wants to stop the CCP’s espionage activities, they should close down its consulate in New York. The three spies recently indicted are just the tip of the iceberg compared to the vast spy network established by the CCP
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #CCPespionage #NewYorkconsulate
4/10/2024 莘7女孩做客《凯瑟琳·温恩观察中国》莘7女孩:如果美国真的想阻止中共的间谍活动,他们应该关闭其纽约领事馆。与中共建立的庞大间谍网相比,最近被起诉的三个间谍只是冰山一角
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #中共间谍 #纽约领事馆

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