tomatoes, and an unexpected visit

10 months ago

Planting by the moon can be considered a bit “out there.”
Fair enough. Western moderns are so disconnected from the likes of astronomical ralities that it's understandable we think anything having to do with them is sheer craziness!
But many cultures that pre-date ours have found some sort of value in it. Including the Galician culture I happen to be embedded within at the minute.
I'm planting some tomato seeds in this video.
In a potting mix of 1 part horse manure, 1 part multi-purpose potting mix, and one part autochthonous soil.
I want to try and get a massive yield using regenerative agriculture techniques.
Because the modern industrial agricultural model, and its addiction to synthesised chemical inputs, is a big part of the story for why our global ecologies are so degraded. And remain on a downward trajectory!

00:00 Lunacy
00:29 Potting mix
00:57 Houdini chickens
01:36 Making the mix
02:02 Seed pot details
02:46 Tomato varieties
03:30 Sowing!
05:58 Unexpected visit
06:53 Regen. Ag.
08:33 Is it possible?
09:22 Unexpected visitors

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