BBN, April 11, 2024 – END Israel’s illegal occupation and restore FREEDOM...

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Brighteon Broadcast News, April 11, 2024 – END Israel’s illegal occupation and restore FREEDOM to the Palestinian people

- Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee says the moon is made of "gasses" and that might make it difficult to live there
- Flashback to Rep. Hank Johnson who thought too many people on Guam would make the island tip over and sink
- We are ruled by affirmative action morons who couldn't pass a high school science exam
- US drones turn out to be total crap in #Ukraine, and China-made drones are the ones that actually work
- Video of young Israeli children physically assaulting two female Christian missionaries
- Indoctrination of HATE begins very early in #Zionism
- #IDF is weak and has been defeated by #Hamas
- Imminent missile strike from #Iran is expected, and Israel can only blame themselves
- #Israel proves it cannot coexist with other nations and ethnicities
- Original UN charter for Israel was fraudulent - the UN can't give away land owned by somebody else
- Israeli colonization should end, and the land restored to #Palestine
- Full interview with Cory Endrulat

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