Genocide Denial and Genocide Deniers

10 months ago

The myth of the "family of civilized nations," meaning "the West," working around the world to create freedom and democracy, a common conservative belief since the end of WWII and the founding of the state of Israel, is exposed as a Genocidal Lie. It is little wonder that the U.S. Government gets nervous when the word Genocide is used since they have engaged in numerous Mass Killings that should have been labeled Genocide. Why is the word Genocide never used when it is a confirmed and admitted fact that the U.S. and cooperating "Civilized" nations killed half a million Children in Iraq between the two Iraqi wars, and they did so without dropping a bomb? They killed all those children by sanctions, creating starvation and privation. And the majority of those who died were Christians. At the same time, the U.S., U.K., France, and Israel created the conditions for a genocide in Rwanda that killed 800,000 people, the majority of whom were Christians. Then, there was the slaughter of Christians paid for by USAID in East Timor. The U.S. should be nervous when they hear the word Genocide because they have been killing Christians all over the world. Since the U.S. Government is controlled primarily by Jewish money and Jewish politicians, it has become difficult for me NOT to see a pattern in the systematic slaughter of Christians around the world. One must ask, "To what degree does the Christian Traditional Culture in Russia have to do with the Judeo Luciferians wishing to conquer and destroy Russia? Conservative Christians in America have been brainwashed to make heroes of the murderers and villains of the victims, and further villains of anyone who tells the truth about the seventy years of Zionist propaganda that is at the core of it all. You thought the world had changed, and suddenly, the Zionist Jews were your spiritual cousins. Your gullibility has cost the lives of millions.
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