Repentance Is... What?

10 months ago

So, let me ask, what is your first reaction to the word repentance? I mean, did you just cringe a little bit? I don’t know about you, but I find that, too often, this word is one of the big, bad, negative words in the Christian vocabulary. When it is one of its most positive words.

To see this will mean that we need to look at this through the same lens of what it means to be a Christian. Which is a following of Christ that involves a relationship leading to studentship leading to a life lived from what is learned. All three altogether, not one or the other. But all are intrinsically linked and in balance with each other.

Scriptures Referenced:
2 Corinthians 7:10 ~ Godly sorrow brings repentance, leading to salvation.
Luke 3:8 ~ Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
Acts 26:20 ~ Repent and turn to God and repentance is shown true by what you do.
Luke 24:47 ~ Repentance leads to the forgiving of sins.
Acts 3:19 ~ Sins are wiped out, forgiven, when we turn to God, that is repent.
Mark 1:4; 4:12; Luke 3:3; Acts 2:38; 5:31; 8:22; and even Old Testament 2 Chronicles 7:14 all share repentance comes before forgiveness.

Here are some links to:
My favorite YouTube apologist: Mike Winger

My favorite online church service: Alistair Begg

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