CHALLENGE : 26 QUESTIONS - How many can you answer?

10 months ago

Some curious questions to ponder.

1- What is an Egyptian pyramid doing on a US dollar bill?
2- Why did 56 countries sign a treaty to not venture into Antarctica?
3- Why do Planes Never Fly Over Antarctica?.
4- How did NASA “lose” the images of the moon, probably one of the most critical moments for humanity?
5- If Neil Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon, who held the camera?
6- Why have we never gone back to the moon?
7- If monkeys evolved into people, why are monkeys still monkeys?
8- How does 98% of DNA “junk” exist? Who decided this was actually "garbage"?
9- How were gigantic, symmetrical, detailed, sacred, and geometrically solid structures such as cathedrals and parliament buildings created by people who lived in wooden huts, rode on horse-drawn carriages, and had no machines or lasers?
10- How is this same pre-Luvian architecture found all over the world?
11- Why are there images in ancient Egyptian art that seem to represent “spaceships”?
12- Why are remains and images of giant human beings found? And why are giants spoken in various ancient writings of cultures distant from each other, including the Bible?
13- Why are there Mushroom Images All Over Ancient Christian Art?
15- Why do ancient Egyptian artworks represent pine cones, and is it a coincidence that even the pineal gland looks like a pine cone?
16- Why are there representations of dragons worldwide and in different cultures, thousands of years apart, and also mentioned in the Bible?
17- Why is there so much blatantly demonic symbolism in the music and entertainment industry?
18- Why do most video games revolve around killing?
19- How can movies and cartoons like The Simpsons predict specific cultural events with such detail and accuracy?
20- How do forest fires melt cars, leaving trees intact?
21- What is there public debt? If there is a debtor, there is also a creditor: who is it?
22- How is the so-called “public debt” growing despite the tax hike? Where does the taxpayer money go?
23- Why is regular poisoning with alcohol and tobacco considered “normal” and euphemistically called “drinking” and “smoking”?
24- Why are alcohol and tobacco represented in almost every show and movie?
25- How do news anchors worldwide and on different channels say and repeat the same script as the letter?
26- If we are more advanced and informed than ever, why do we have the highest rates of obesity, cancer, and heart problems, not to mention depression?

The decentralized truth will set you free once you answer these brain twisters.

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