Sreeman narayana

11 months ago

Sreeman narayana

A prayer to God Vishnu

Ragam: Bowli

Talam: Adi
Composer: Annamacharya
Language: Telugu

Lyrics with meaning

shreeman nArAyaNa shrIman nArAyaNa
shreeman nArAyaNa nee shrIpAdame sharaNu

Oh Sriman Narayana, I seek the shelter of your auspicious feet.

kamalAsatee mukhakamala kamalahita
kamalapriya kamalekShaNA
kamalAsanahita garu.dagamana shree
kamalanAbha nee pada kamalame sharaNu

Oh, one whose wife is KamalA (Lakshmi sitting on lotus), having the face of a lotus,
one who tends lotus, one who likes lotus, one with eyes like lotus,

Oh, one in lotus posture, one who rides the eagle Garuda,

Oh, one with a lotus on his navel, I seek your lotus feet.

parama yogijana bhAgadheya shrI
paramapuruShA parAtparA
paramAtmA paramANurUpa shrI
tiruveN^kaTagiridevA sharaNu

You are the ultimate destination to the supreme sages

You are the supreme personality, You are transcendental

You are the supreme soul, You manifest yourself even in the tiniest atom

Oh, God of Thiruvenkata mountains, I surrender to your feet.

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