The Salesman in Your Mind | Galatians 5:4

6 months ago

Are you convincing yourself to do the wrong thing?

Today's callout goes to Takoda Ruble from Pace, FL, who recently signed up for Video Access on our website.

You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. — Galatians 5:4

Your Mind Is Powerful
Our minds are powerful tools. They perpetually and privately persuade us. In fact, today, the salesperson living in your mind has already convinced you to say and do things you probably should not do. If people heard even half the thoughts you have in your mind, they would think you are crazy—and maybe a little abusive, insecure, or maybe demented.

But here's the deal: Our minds are always stirring. They process information so quickly that sometimes we grab onto thoughts and ideas that are dead wrong. Then, we privately persuade ourselves these thoughts and ideas are true. Without anyone knowing it and with great speed, our minds have convinced us of things that are untrue about ourselves and about God.

Our Thoughts Don't Justify
As Paul says, this is exactly how we fall away from grace: We justify thoughts that do not justify.

This is exactly why you and I need to read and ruminate on Scripture daily. Scripture renews and resets our minds because they need to be renewed moment by moment. Scripture tells the salesmen in our heads to "Shut up" and "Stop selling me that." Besides, in the end, your self-justifying thoughts don't justify anything. The only one who justifies is God alone.

#MindOverMatter #GraceOverJustification #RenewingTheMind #SilencingTheSalesman #GodsTruth


How can you identify and challenge the self-justifying thoughts that lead you away from grace?
What practical steps can you take to renew your mind daily with the truth of Scripture and resist the persuasive narratives of self-justification?
DO THIS: Stop listening to the voices in your head and listen to God through Scripture.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me recognize the deceptive thoughts that lead me away from Your grace, and grant me the strength to silence them with the truth of Your Word. Renew my mind daily, guiding me to align my thoughts with Your will and resist the temptation of self-justification. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Purify My Heart (Refiner's Fire).

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