OPENING DAY - Cheeba Cannabis Academy - Plett Campus

11 months ago

00:00 Welcome
03:36 Introducing Cheeba Africa with Trenton Birch
14:30 Guided Tour - Outdoor Cultivation area with Don McCusker
20:00 Guided Tour - Nursery area with Herries van der Watt
22:00 Guided Tour - Motherplants with Herries van der Watt
23:05 Guided Tour - Greenhouse with Herries van der Watt
23:55 Guided Tour - Hydroponic area with Herries van der Watt
26:34 Guided Tour - Aquaponic Setup with Herries van der Watt
29:19 Guided Tour - Cheeba House van der Watt
32:32 What will you learn at Cheeba Cannabis Academy with Sarah Miller

On Saturday 14 August 2021 Cheeba Cannabis Academy hosted the official Opening Day for their Plettenberg Bay campus on the DankiPa Eco Estate.

The very first ‘Cannabis Industry 101 course’ intake at the Cheeba Cannabis Academy Plettenberg Bay Campus kicks off next week 15 September 2021.

Enjoy the episode & remember to show some love by clicking the Subscribe button!

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