Korean Practice; third vocab sheet, TOPIK II 2662, Part 3

10 months ago

I found this list at Tammy Korean and you can find it here: https://learning-korean.com/pdf/ . I'd like to slow walk the first sheet, since it has phrases for me to do; as such, went to this sheet which is all just vocabulary words.

A kind of a slow day for me regarding practice since I wanted to do a few other things, first, so as to better lay out the playlist in a more final form when I finish this "edition" of Korean practice by myself. Kinda important to get in some Hangeul reading, lol, since I am in the only place in the world (besides North Korea) where I can expect Hangeul to be everywhere around me when I am in public. lol. A writing system tends to be much harder to input than a language, itself, yet also I mean... Perhaps not, maybe it's just that ... I dunno. There's the alphabet-ish character system of Hangeul, yes, yet it took 4 hours to learn back four years ago; the issue may just be that I am wanting to learn Korean but don't feel confident unless I can read Hangeul in a more speedily fashion. As such, that's the main point of this practice playlist. I guess? Meh, whatever lol.

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