World-Renowned Japanese Professor Blows Whistle on Plot to Inject the Entire Planet

9 months ago

(Mar 22, 2024) Dr. Masayasu Inoue, MD, PhD, and professor emeritus at Osaka City University Medical School, delivered a chilling “message for the world” during a recent press conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

He claims the “false” COVID pandemic was orchestrated by the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO), along with other globalist organizations and governments. The professor accuses these entities of an “extreme violation of human rights”, and also warned that more fake global pandemics and deadly mRNA injections are on the way.

Article by Leo Hohmann: "Respected Japanese medical doctor issues warning to the world: New wave of 'genetic' vaccines is coming down the pike like a freight train and must be avoided at all costs":

Press conference in Geneva, Switzerland:

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