Men’s Emotional Responses to the 4b Movement

10 months ago

Temper Man-trums are so last patriarchy!

The new season in style is #SpiritualAdulting!

Let’s come to the table to have a conversation geared toward solutions and reconciliation, not man-trums filled with name calling, emotional inflammatory statements and violence.

#LevelUp, it’s time.

The #Excuses are evidence of the emotional immaturity and fear of growing up

Peter Pan Syndrome is not sexy

Step into life
Try out the new “rules of engagement”
Watch yourself grow!

#RawLove #TempterTantrum #TempManTrum #InnerWork #ShadowWork #InnerSensitivity #InnerStrength #Reprogramming #SubconsciousReprogramming #Patriarchy #Matriarchy #DivineFeminine #DivineMasculine #DivineUnion #Reconciliation #Rebirth #NewBeginning #Transformation #SpiritualTransformation #Metamorphosis #SpiritualGrowth #SpiritualMaturity #Accountability #Reslonsibility

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