Pfizer pfined pfittance pfor pfomoting unlicensed pfoduct

9 months ago

The Presciption Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) of the United Kingdom, a self-regulated pharmaceutical ‘watchdog,’ has ruled that particularly Pfizer senior executives made claims about their COVID jabs on social media, while the jabs were not yet licensed for public use and the claims weren’t supported by the ‘evidence.’ This is a breach of the rules that states it’s not allowed to promote unlicensed medicines, which could end up in a fine or imprisonment.

What punishment did Pfizer get? Pfizer got a fine of GBP 34800. To put that into context: Pfizer made $81 BILLION in revenues just in 2021. So the fine is roughly about 17 seconds worth of revenue. To a regular person, this would rougly be equal to a fine of 1 pence.

What punishment did the Pfizer executives, who received enormous bonuses, get? None!


The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority official website


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